Sunday, 6 March 2011

Fascinating Chuck Norris Facts 2.6

Did you know...

Chuck Norris is just like Jesus, except Chuck Norris won't die for your sins. Instead, you'll die for his.

Bruce Lee never died. The true cause of his disappearance is that he asked Chuck Norris to teach him how to perform a roundhouse kick. Being good friends, Chuck Norris promised to teach him, but only after Bruce Lee embarked on an epic journey of the spirit that is still taking place to this day - entirely within Chuck Norris's beard.

Chuck Norris once saved George Bush from choking on a pretzel by roundhouse kicking him in the throat. Chuck had no idea he was choking.

To continue the trend, I have missed a post this weekend. Not on purpose, but because I was busy doing silly things. Last week I went swimming (drunkenly) in the Sea at 3am, this week we were white water rafting :)

 Another video...I'd feel bad now if I didn't  post one.


  1. Looks like fun! Besides, how many Chuck Norris jokes can you do?

  2. I still have a few but they won't last forever! We'll cross that bridge when we get to it. Or jump off it.

  3. I heard the scene where Bruce Lee defeated Chuck Norris is the most expensive scene ever filmed

  4. I've been working on a norris beard for years

  5. These are some very interesting facts my friend. +1 follower to you.

  6. Haha! I've been looking for chuck norris jokes! Followed!

  7. I watched that film where bruce lee fights chuck norris!

  8. The white water rafting looks amazing fun! Thanks for sharing!
